Love With Myself: 7 Tips For The Beginner Masturbator

Love With Myself: 7 Tips For The Beginner Masturbator

Masturbation is totally an act of self-love.

Seeing yourself through your own eyes, loving and embracing your body. Feeling comfortable enough so you can just let go and relax. Let the orgasm wash over you. Before you make love with someone else, it's important that you learn to make love with yourself. Understanding what makes you feel good. You need to learn to love yourself and enjoy yourself, and only then you can let someone else do it too (and teach them how, if necessary).

You are finally alone, free of distractions, and this is exactly your chance to learn to make love with yourself. Masturbation connects you to yourself, allows your body to release beneficial hormones and makes you know yourself as closely and intimately as possible.

It's no secret that masturbation comes more naturally to boys than to girls. They are more physically connected to themselves, understand the need and desire for sexual satisfaction, and the act increases their sexual desire. With girls, on the other hand, the story is a bit different - they feel embarrassed and even guilty about masturbation because of unconscious guilt set by society, and tend not to reveal the subject or talk about it with their friends. As a result, many girls reach sexual maturity and start having sex, without knowing how to please themselves, and without knowing their own bodies.

Intimacy you create for yourself You were born with the wonderful ability to please yourself, so why not use it? Masturbation is not a place for sex with a partner, it is not cheating and it does not come to replace the partner you have or don't have. Masturbation is a private and personal act that you shouldn't be ashamed of (but you don't have to declare it out loud either). You have the opportunity to learn to know each and every part of your body. To touch, to experiment, to experience several types of orgasms. There is nothing forbidden or allowed, there is only what pleases you and what you are willing to try on yourself. 

Here are 7 tips you can start with:

1. Before you start the act itself, it is important that you bring your body to a state of release, so it is recommended to go to the bathroom before (and also after, to help the body cleanse itself of bacteria).

2. If you are already making love to yourself, invest to the end - new and pleasant sheets, background music you like, scented candles. Pamper yourself with a long and liberating shower, apply a fragrant body lotion, prepare the ideal atmosphere to have maximum pleasure.

3. Undress completely. Take off your clothes, make-up, spread your hair and stand naked in front of the mirror in the light. Look at yourself carefully and from all angles. Tell yourself how beautiful you are, how sexy you are and how sensual you are. Even if there are areas you don't like in your body, don't address them now. Just pamper yourself.

4. Play foreplay with your body - just like in sex with a partner. Touch, talk to yourself, close your eyes and imagine things (at this point you can move to the couch or bed to make yourself comfortable).

5. Focus on yourself and only yourself. Empty your head of troubling thoughts, and don't let the fact that you are alone keep you busy. Feel yourself and what pleases you. Try, touch, explore, play.

6. Take your time. Do everything slowly and gradually, breathe deeply and listen to your breathing while moving. Check what relaxes you and what energizes you.

7. Don't be robotic - move your pelvis as you go, adapt it to your movements. Quite how you like to move and what pleases you and what excites you.
Take the opportunity and make love to yourself!
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